Former prefect of Brașov with 20 years of activity in the administration, Mihai Mohaci began to explore his creative side intensively 7 years ago, when he realized that his native endowment must be received in everyday life. Being a student at Machine Construction Technology, he had the courage to “throw” himself into the cultural whirlwind since the 80s, opening two painting exhibitions in Brașov, at the Transilvania University Rectorate and at the former “Arta” hall, on the current Mureșenilor Street.

Mihai Mohaci - From politics to painting
Surrealist painting
Personal and group exhibitions
2022: November – Personal painting exhibition, Brașov Art Museum; 2022: December – Collective exhibition, opening of the Brașov Culture Bank; 2023: October – Blue Biennale – Collective exhibition; 2023: October – Personal exhibition, Dan Hatmanu Hall – Iasi, Iasi Art Museum.
The road to surrealist painting
Through painting, he managed to get even closer to God, as evidenced by the works that contain religious symbols.
“I started going back to what I was given. Painting for me is a form of expression and inner peace at the same time. Through painting I connect to Divinity. It is a joy that lies within you throughout a lifetime and which you did not appreciate at the right time, but over the years what was given to you is reborn within you and explodes in imaginative colors and shapes.” emphasized Mihai Mohaci.
The first painting exhibition after the Revolution, in Brașov.
“I hope they like the painting because it contains many ideas from creation, from the supernatural with a hidden symbolism, with references to the statuettes of Cucuteni, in a fantastic landscape. Even if my paintings are simple games of color, at least I can say that God gave me the joy of holding the brush in my hand and the colors close to me”, said the resident of Brasov.
“Mr. Mihai Mohaci’s painting is among the milestones of personal searches reminiscent of Fauvism and interesting trends of post-expressionism. This gives a special and personal touch, which is beneficial in your artistic endeavour. They are images with a strong impact on the viewer, but they are also images with a particularly vibrant poetic candor. I appreciate the courage so necessary for an artist and, equally, his sensitivity,” said the artist Gabriel Stan.
Opening speeches Mihai Mohaci - Surrealist Painting
- Painter Aurelia Stoie Marginean
- Sculptor Nicolae Daicu
- Historian Dr. Radu Popica